Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 55 / Dzien 55.

Of course we went to Seward. It wasn't really worth the extra drive or maybe we're just spoiled by the Alaskan views and it's hard now to impress us.
On the way back we came across a wildlife conservation foundation and lured by its mission idea, we entered. To be honest, it was also the disappointment of not encountering a bear in Alaska and fear that we'd leave without seeing one. And there is also the moose thing - I love moose, keep a count of those I've spotted, but every time I see one, it's too dark to take a decent picture. Last night we got in trouble with cops for pulling off in a place where we shouldn't have, and all that because I was trying to take pictures. I looked through the camera memory card while the cop disappeared with our IDs and realized that I didn't have a single good shot to make it worth the ticket that was coming our way (I managed to talk our way out of getting one).
The conservation place was not what we expected. The animals seemed depressed. The bisons just stood there. The caribou laid on the ground like they were dead. But the brown bear were the saddest view of all. One of them was walking back and forth along the fence, staring yearningly at the mountains. The only ones who seemed to be enjoying themselves were the deer. They ran around and were curious of everything.
At the end it felt like visiting a ZOO and I have a feeling that the stoned ticket guy pocketed our money.

Oczywiscie pojechalismy do Seward. Nie bylo to specjalnie warte nalozonej drogi ale byc moze jestesmy juz rozpieszczeni widokami na Alasce i trudno nas zadziwic.
W drodze powrotnej odkrylismy fundacje ochrony przyrody i uwiedzeni jej misja, wjechalismy. Szczerze mowiac, motywacja bylo tez nasze rozczarowanie dotychczasowym brakiem sukcesu w poszukiwaniach niedzwiedzi i obawa, ze opuscimy Alaske bez zobaczenia ani jednego. No i jeszcze te losie, ktore wielbie, licze te wypatrzone, ale za kazdym razem kiedy je spotykam, jest za ciemno na dobre zdjecia. Wczoraj wieczorem wpakowalismy sie w tarapaty z policja, zatrzymujac sie w niedozwolonym miejscu, a wszystko przez to, ze probowalam robic zdjecia. Przegladnelam pamiec aparatu kiedy policjant zniknal z naszymi dokumentami i odkrylam, ze nie mam ani jednego dobrego ujecia, wartego mandatu, na ktory czekalismy (udalo mi sie nas z niego wykrecic).
Ta fundacja nie byla tym, czego oczekiwalismy. Zwierzeta wydawaly sie byc w depresji. Bizony staly w miejscu. Renifery lezaly na ziemi jak martwe. Ale niedzwiedzie brunatne wygladaly najbardziej zalosnie. Jeden z nich chodzil tam i z powrotem wzdluz ogrodzenia, tesknie spogladajac w strone gor. Tylko jelenie wydawaly sie byc zadowolone. Biegaly i byly wszystkiego ciekawe.
Koniec koncow mielismy wrazenie, ze jestesmy w ZOO, a ja mam przeczucie, ze upalony koles w kasie biletowej zwinal nasze pieniadze.

1 comment:

Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?