Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 54 / Dzien 54.

We've been exploring the Kenai Peninsula - yesterday: the tiny settlement of Hope, and today: Homer, in the 70's the mecca of the radicals, now very touristy.
In Homer we came across a booking office for Alaska Marine Highway and made reservations for the Haines - B.C. ferry. We were going to take our time with southern Alaska but after hearing the weather forecasts for the next week (snowstorms, and they are not what 'snowstorms' are in Maryland - hysteria over a bit of snow that won't even stick), and learning that the ferry is running only once a week, we decided to evacuate. So now we have a reservation for Friday night and it's Monday. We are a few days worth of driving away from Haines. The travel agents were concerned. They advised we hit the road right away and not take any detours. We thanked them, got in the car and immediately started entertaining the idea of going to Seward, which is very much out of the way.

Zwiedzamy cudowny Polwysep Kenai - wczoraj: malenka osade Hope, dzisiaj: Homer, w latach 70. mekke radykalow, teraz bardzo skomercjalizowana.
W Homer znalezlismy biuro Alaska Marine Highway i zarezerwowalismy bilety na prom z Haines do Kolumbii Brytyjskiej. Nie chcielismy sie spieszyc ze zwiedzaniem poludniowej Alaski ale po uslyszeniu prognozy pogody na najblizszy tydzien (burze sniezne, i to nie takie 'burze sniezne' jak w Maryland - histeria wywolana opadem odrobiny sniegu, ktory zaraz i tak sie topi) i po odkryciu, ze prom wyplywa tylko raz na 7 dni, podjelismy decyzje o ewakuacji. Tak wiec teraz mamy rezerwacje na piatek w nocy, a dzis jest poniedzialek. Jestesmy kilka dni jazdy od Haines. Przedstawiciele agencji podrozy zaczeli sie martwic. Poradzili nam, zebysmy od razu ruszyli w droge i nie zbaczali z trasy. Podziekowalismy i po dotarciu do samochodu natychmiast zaczelismy sie zastanawiac nad podroza do Seward, ktory jest bardzo nie po drodze.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?