Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 5 / Dzien 5.

Today consisted mainly of running errands (AT&T and AAA, all the boring stuff), but Lee was excited about it anyways, since the errands were to be run in Omaha, Nebraska (that's where Conor Oberst* is from, blah, blah, blah). But Omaha disappoints. It has a tiny downtown surrounded by miles and miles of shopping centers. And the downtown itself is very much like Baltimore, architecture-wise (which is not bad) and junkie-to-non-junkie-ratio-wise (which is).
We left Omaha behind and drove the rest of the way to South Dakota. And as soon as we crossed the border it felt like a different world! We drove through two small towns, Vermillion and Yankton, and even thought it was already late and dark outside, there were people walking their dogs, single girls jogging, kids playing on the streets. These places feel safe. We parked the van on Missouri River banks, in the middle of a public park. Goodnight!
* Lee's most beloved musician, whose whininess I can't stand

Dzisiaj glownie zalatwialismy sprawunki (karty do komorek, ubezpieczenie drogowe, same nudziarstwa) ale Lee i tak byl podekscytowany bo odbywac sie to mialo w Omaha, w Nebrasce (skad pochodzi Conor Oberst*, bla, bla, bla). Ale Omaha rozczarowuje. Male centrum jest otoczone kilometrami centrow handlowych. A samo centrum przypomina Baltimore, pod wzgledem architektury (co nie jest zle) i proporcji narkomanow do nie-narkomanow (co zle jest).
Opuscilismy Omaha i ruszylismy w droge do Dakoty Poludniowej. I kiedy tylko przekroczylismy granice stanu, poczulismy sie jak w zupelnie innym swiecie! Przejechalismy przez dwa male miasta, Vermillion and Yankton, i chociaz bylo juz pozno i ciemno, wszedzie spacerowali ludzie z psami, dziewczyny biegaly same, dzieci nadal bawily sie na ulicach. Poczulismy sie bardzo bezpiecznie. Zaparkowalismy na brzegu rzeki Missouri, w miejskim parku. Dobranoc!

* Ulubiony muzyk Lee, ktorego marudnosci ja z kolei nie trawie.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?