Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 119 / Dzien 119.

Another long day of nothing but driving. We made our way through two thirds of Texas, all of Oklahoma and a good chunk of Arkansas.
In Oklahoma, on a 15 mile stretch of Interstate 40, we counted 15 dead deer. Nobody removes the bodies, and they lie along the road, in various stages of decay. I can't imagine what it would be like to be driving it in the summer.

Kolejny dzien w calosci spedzony w drodze. Przejechalismy przez dwie trzecie Teksasu, cala Oklahome i dobry kawalek Arkansas.
W Oklahomie, na 24-kilometrowym odcinku Autostrady 40, naliczylismy 15 martwych saren. Nikt nie usuwa cial, wiec leza one wzdluz drogi, w roznych stadiach rozkladu. Nie moge sobie wyobrazic jazdy tamtedy w srodku lata.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?