Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 110 / Dzien 110.

So I finally rode a roller coaster for the very first time. It was everything I imagined: scary and gut twisting.
A reckless and mindless streak of spending our savings continued with the discovery of a kids games section at the New York-New York hotel. We blew a small fortune trying to win toys and electronics we didn't need.
Then we retired to our room to eat greasy pizza and watch TV and regroup before hitting casinos again.
Playing roulette repaired our finances. And that's what saved us. We went to dinner and when the time came to pay, it turned out that we maxed out our debit card. If it wasn't for the cash we had from gambling, I cringe thinking what would have happened.

W koncu mialam okazje przejechac sie rollercoasterem po raz pierwszy w zyciu. Bylo tak jak sobie wyobrazalam: balam sie okropnie i wykrecilo mi flaki.
Nasze nierozwazne i bezmyslne wydawanie oszczednosci bylo kontynuowane wraz z odkryciem sekcji gier dla dzieci w hotelu New York-New York. Wydalismy mala fortune probujac wygrac zabawki i elektronike, ktorych nie potrzebujemy.
Potem wrocilismy do hotelu zeby jesc tlusta pizze i ogladac telewizje nabierajac sily na powrot do kasyn.
Gra w ruletke podreperowala nasze finanse. I to nas ocalilo. Poszlismy na obiad i kiedy nadszedl czas zeby zaplacic, okazalo sie, ze wymaksowalismy nasza karte debetowa. Gdyby nie gotowka jaka mielismy z hazardu, skrecam sie na mysl co by sie stalo.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?