Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 88 / Dzien 88.

It was a beautiful, sunny day. Perfect Sunday-Funday, we figured. Well, actually this would be only a half of the truth. The other half was that we passed a restaurant that Whispering Tom loves and insisted that we absolutely had to visit. It sure looked fantastic. It was located in what looked like an old Russian Orthodox church, a truly beautiful building. And it was displaying a sing for brunch. Brunch! It's Sunday - we realized. Calendar has been a source of constant confusion for us. We never know anymore what day it is. But, with broken hearts, we passed on dining there. The place was very pricey. But was just couldn't pass on the idea of fancy eggs and bloody marys. We got supplies, found a campground, and had our own brunch party on Sonoma County coast. Just in case you're curious, the menu consisted of: bloody marys with marinated french beans; 3 egg omelets with smoked oysters, Gorgonzola, garlic jack, and fried onions; homemade guacamole; and breakfast potatoes with jalapenos.

To byl piekny, sloneczny dzien. Idealny na niedzielne pijanstwo i nicnierobienie, zdecydowalismy. Tak naprawde to tylko jedna polowa prawdy. Druga polowa to restauracja, ktora dzis minelismy, ktora Szepczacy Tom uwielbia, i nalegal, ze koniecznie musimy odwiedzic. Restauracja robila wrazenie. Miescila sie we wspanialym budynku, ktory wygladal jak stara rosyjska cerkiew i akurat serwowala brunch. Brunch! Niedziela - dotarlo do nas. Kalendarz jest zrodlem ciaglej konfuzji. Nigdy juz nie wiemy jaki jest dzien tygodnia. Ze zlamanym sercem odmowilismy sobie wizyty. Restauracja byla bardzo droga. Ale wymyslnych jajek i krwawej mary odmowic sobie nie moglismy. Udalismy sie po prowiant, znalezlismy kemping, i mielismy wlasny brunch na wybrzezu Sonoma County. Jesli jestescie ciekawi, w menu znalazly sie krwawe mary z marynowanyna fasolka szparagowa; omlety z trzech jajek z wedzonymi ostrygami, Gorgonzola, czosnkowym serem i smazona cebula; guacamole wlasnej roboty; i smazone ziemniaki z papryczkami jalapeno.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?