Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 30 / Dzien 30.

On a freezing, rainy morning, the idea of soaking some more in the hot springs quite delightful. The idea of getting out of them… I didn’t have the courage. Instead, we armed ourselves with hot coffee and hid in Brent and Kitsie’s camper to look through their fantastic wildlife shots.

Wonders awaited us in Watson Lake: hot showers with music in the background. Hallelujah! Also in Watson Lake: signpost forest and the most expensive grocery store in the world.

Lee just told me that last night he was approached by an older lady who asked if he was there to guard people in the hot springs from the bears. The beard magic again!

W lodowaty, deszczowy poranek wizja ponownego wygrzania sie w goracych zrodlach jest wysmienita. Wizja powrotu z nich… Nie mialam odwagi. W zamian, uzbrojeni w goraca kawa, zaszylismy sie w kamperze Brenta i Kitsie, aby ogladac ich fantastyczne zdjecia dzikich zwierzat.

Cuda czekaly na nas w Watson Lake: goraca prysznice z muzyka w tle. Alleluja! Rowniez w Watson Lake: las znakow na slupach i najdrozszy spozywczy swiata.

Lee wlasnie mi powiedzial, ze wczoraj podeszla do niego starsza pani i zapytala czy on jest tam po to, zeby ochraniac ludzi w goracych zrodlach przed niedzwiedziami. Znowu magia brody!

1 comment:

Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?