Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 29 / Dzien 29.

The day started with Lee finding an overturned quad ran off a very steep side of a mountain, and going on a search mission. Nobody to be rescued was found. We called it in after finally coming across a working payphone. Our guess is that it was stolen and somebody got rid of it after having their share of fun on it.

We’ve been taking our time on the Alaska Highway – stopping to take pictures, watch animals (they’re very nonchalant here) and just to take the scenery in.

We met a couple, Brent and Kitsie, who are traveling the States and Canada photographing wildlife. We ran into them again in Liard River and spent the evening together, soaking in (very) hot springs and then having a potluck dinner and drinks by the fire.

Dzien rozpoczal sie odkryciem dokonanym przez Lee: lezacym do gory kolami quadem, ktory spadl z bardzo stromego zbocza. Lee odbyl misje poszukiwawcza ale nikogo nie znalazl. Zglosilismy to kiedy w koncu natrafilismy na dzialajacy telefon. Stawiamy na to, ze quad byl kradziony i ze ktos nim pobawil, a potem sie go pozbyl.

Nie spieszymy sie na Alaska Highway – zatrzymujemy sie zeby zrobic zdjecia, obserwowac zwierzeta (sa tu one bardzo nonszalanckie) i zeby nacieszyc sie widokami.

Poznalismy pare, Brent i Kitsie, ktora podrozuje po Stanach i Kanadzie fotografujac dzikie zwierzeta. Wpadlismy na nich ponownie w Liard River i spedzilsimy razem wieczor, najpierw taplajac sie w (bardzo) goracych zrodlach, a potem robiac potluckowy obiad i wygrzewajac sie z drinkiem przy ognisku.


  1. i have to know what kind of camera you are using!?

  2. Donnie: Thank you!
    Kristin: It's a Canon Rebel xsi. But I like to believe it's all me, not the camera ;-) How is the honeymoon planning going? What's the destination?


Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?