Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 23 / Dzien 23.

It was the first night that the cold woke me up. I guess it’s time to start wearing socks to bed. Days are still long and warm though.
We’re making our way up Mackenzie Hwy. Crossed the 60th parallel and into the Northwest Territories today. Spotted our first coyotes. But still no bears!
Spending the night by spectacular, breath-taking and very loud Alexandra Falls.

To byla pierwsza noc, ze obudzil mnie chlod. Wyglada na to, ze czas zaczac do lozka ubierac skarpety. Ale dnie sa nadal dlugie i cieple.
Jedziemy w gore Drogi Mackenzie. Przekroczylismy 60. rownoleznik i granice Terytoriow Polnocno-Zachodnich. Widzielismy nasze pierwsze kojoty. Ale niedzwiedzi nadal nie!

Noc spedzamy przy spektakularnym, zapierajacym dech i bardzo glosnym Wodospadzie Alexandra.

1 comment:

Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?