Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 65 / Dzien 65.

We must have been quite a sight for a couple of nights now, dragging our tailpipe and sending sparks flying wherever we went. It got so bad that today we had to look for an auto shop. We got lucky, there was one in Hope.
It was fun. The mechanics lifted the car way up with me sitting inside so I had an hour of peace and I could read undisturbed.
So after all we won't be arriving in Vancouver until tomorrow and, since we got a new tailpipe, without fireworks.

Musielismy wzbudzac nie lada sensacje przez ostatnie kilka nocy, ciagnac po ziemi rure wydechowa i siejac za soba iskry. Sytuacja pogorszyla sie do tego stopnia, ze musielismy szukac warsztatu. Mielismy szczescie, znalezlismy jeden w Hope.
To byla frajda. Mechanicy podniesli samochod ze mna w srodku wiec mialam godzine spokoju i moglam czytac bez zaklocenia.
A wiec jednak nie dojedziemy do Vancouver az do jutra i, skoro mamy nowa rure wydechowa, wjazd bedzie bez fajerwrkow.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?