Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 57 / Dzien 57.

We crossed back into Alaska today and got to Haines a day early. We're trying to play it safe, and for a change make the ferry. I know, we must be growing up.

The days are short (nights start around 6pm and end around 9am), it's pretty cold and windy, many places are closed for the season, but still I would never want to come to Alaska during busy, packed with tourists summers. Cold and darkness are a small price to pay or having this place to yourself.

Przekroczylismy granice z powrotem na Alaske i dojechalismy do Haines dzien przed czasem. Staramy sie grac ostroznie i dla odmiany zdazyc na prom. Chyba dorastamy.

Dni sa krotkie (noce zaczynaja sie okolo 6-tej po poludniu i koncza okolo 9-tej rano), jest zimno i wietrznie, wiele miejsc jest zamknietych, ale ja i tak za nic nie chcialabym przyjechac na Alaske w srodku tlocznego, pelnego turystow lata. Ziab i ciemnosc to niewysoka cena do zaplacenia za chwilowe posiadanie Alaski na wylacznosc.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?