Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 50 / Dzien 50.

It's been two weeks since I had a chance to cook a real meal, I don't remember taking a longer break in years. And even though we enjoyed eating out in Talkeetna and Anchorage, I was also itching to get back to stirring in the pots. Got my fix of it today. Lee is really sick and slept all day so there was nothing else to do anyways. I cooked lentils for a winter salad and vegetable panang curry, and read a good chunk of 'Don Quixote'. And before I knew, the day was over.

Minely dwa tygodnie od kiedy mialam okazje ugotowac prawdziwy posilek, nie przypominam sobie takie dlugiej przerwy od lat. I chociaz mielismy frajde jedzac na miescie w Talkeetna i Anchorage, to swedzialo mnie zeby powrocic do mieszania w garach. Dzisiaj sobie nadrobilam. Lee jest paskudnie chory i spal caly dzien, wiec i tak nie mialam nic innego do roboty. Ugotowalam soczewice na zimowa salatke i warzywne panang curry, i przeczytalam dobry kawal 'Don Kichota'. I zanim sie obejrzalam, dzien sie skonczyl.

If you can think of a cold/flu symptom, Lee has it (most are not pictured, otherwise he might get mad when feels good enough to).
Lee ma kazdy objaw przeziebienia/grypy, jaki mozna sobie wyobrazic (wiekszosc nie uwieczniona na zdjeciach, w przeciwnym razie moglby sie zdenerwowac kiedy zdrowie w koncu pozwoli).

Cough, fever changed vision, runny nose...
Kaszel, zaburzone goraczka widzenie, katar...


  1. ooo maybe it's time to visit Southern California - it's 93 degrees here today! We've been editing MANY pictures and job hunting; sleeping in and staying up late. Hope you 2 get healthy!! Think of you often. Love, Kitsie & Brent btw - this comment posting is a big pain in the butt. :)


Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?