Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 94 / Dzien 94.

Monterey didn't warm up a spot in my heart. It's a stuck up trap for tourists and locals alike. A very crowded one too. It was not what I imagined and it wasn't how Lee remembered it neither. We drove around, went for a walk, Lee got a sandwich from yet another favorite deli.
What happened next was very unexpected. We left Monterey and started driving south but very soon it got dark and we started looking for a place to park for the night. We were going to choose one more carefully too, last night we were woken up and carded by police. We drove through residential neighborhoods not knowing where we were going and suddenly arrived in Carmel, a town famed for its wealth. We found a perfect place to park (it so safe there!) and went on a walk through Christmas lights decorated streets to find out what the riches are buying (are how much they're paying for it). As a result of our little research I made a mental note to start painting (no talent required) or making crafts (good taste unnecessary), and selling them in Carmel art galleries. I could retire in two years.

Monterey nie zagrzalo miejsca w moim sercu. To snobistyczna pulapka zarowno dla turystow, jak i miejscowych. Bardzo w dodatku zatloczona. Inaczej sobie Monterey wyobrazalam i inaczej je Lee pamietal. Pojezdzilismy po miescie, poszlismy na spacer, Lee kupil kanapke z kolejnego ulubionego deli.
To, co stalo sie potem, bylo zupelnie nieoczekiwane. Opuscilismy Monterey i ruszylismy na poludnie, ale zaraz zrobilo sie ciemno, wiec zaczelismy szukac miejsca, zeby zaparkowac na noc. Postanowilismy wybrac je starannie. Zeszlej nocy policjant obudzil nas i wylegitymowal. Jechalismy bez planu przez dzielnice domow jednorodzinnych i niespodziewanie wyjechalismy w Carmel, miesteczku znanym z bogactwa jego mieszkancow. Znalezlismy idealne miejsce na zaparkowanie (bardzo tu bezpiecznie!) i poszlismy przejsc sie po udekorowanych swiatecznymi swiatlami ulicach, zeby zobaczyc co bogacze kupuja (i ile za to placa). W rezultacie naszego badania zanotowalam sobie, zeby zaczac malowac (talent nie wymagany) lub zajac sie rzemioslem (dobry smak nie potrzebny), i koniecznie to sprzedawac w galeriach sztuki w Carmel. Bede mogla przejsc na emeryture po dwoch latach.



  1. Ok let me guess...Compagnos deli? I would cut off a toe to get a sandwich from there again. Best little mom & pop spot ever. Mom literally baked the cakes in the back *tears welling up in my eyes*

  2. No, wrong again :-) We did go there though. Lee passed on getting a sandwich from there because of 'too many military kids' inside. Times change...
    It was La Casa Bodega.


Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?