Tonight Memphis college basketball team was playing an important game. So we knew for certain what we were doing at 7. But with the rain pouring, we didn't have much to do before that. Instead of watching the game in the bar and running up a big tab, we got a room in a hotel and threw our own party with beer and tacos. Despite all of our support (I even wore my Memphis t-shirt), they lost.
Dzisiaj wieczorem uniwersytecka druzyna koszykowki z Memphis grala wazny mecz. Wiec wiedzielismy z gory co bedziemy robic o 7. Ale lal deszcz, wiec nie mielismy czym sie zajac przed meczem. Zamiast ogladac w barze i nabijac rachunek, wynajelismy pokoj w hotelu i zrobilismy prywatna impreze z piwem i tacos. Pomimo calego naszego wsparcia (ubralam nawet koszulke z Memphis), przegrali.
A chart I made for our quest of finding the best hotel deal in Cresent City. It tells you: 1. how much time we had to kill, 2. what kind of bore I am.
Tabela, ktora zrobilam zeby ulatwic nasze polowanie na najlepsza hotelowa oferte w Cresent City. Jasno z niej wynika, ze 1. mielismy za duzo wolnego czasu, 2. jestem wielka nudziara.