Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 109 / Dzien 109.

We checked into the Luxor, the famous pyramid shaped hotel (another successful Priceline bid!), won and lost money playing blackjack, walked the Strip, went to dinner at Wolfgang Puck's buffet at Bellagio (it was a bit disappointing), drank tequila at the Coyote Ugly, and got totally hammered. It's Vegas, baby!

Zameldowalismy sie w Luxor, slynnym hotelu w ksztalcie piramidy, wygralismy i stracilismy pieniadze grajac w blackjacka, przeszlismy sie po Strip'ie, poszlismy na obiad do bufetu Wolfganga Puck'a w Bellagio (ktory nas nieco rozczarowal), pilismy tequile w Coyote Ugly (slynna siec barow, w ktorych barmanki tancza na barze) i bardzo sie upilismy. Vegas, kotku!

View from our hotel room.
Widok z naszego pokoju.

Above and three pictures below: Christmas decorations at Bellagio.
Powyzej i na trzech zdjeciach ponizej: dekoracje swiateczne w Bellagio.

Many people were drooling over this pouring chocolate at Bellagio.
Wiele osob slinilo sie na widok tej lejacej sie czekolady w Bellagio.

The entrance to the Bellagio hotel.
Wejscie do hotelu Bellagio.

The least sinful sin to be committed in Vegas: shopping.
Najmniej grzeszny grzech do popelnienia w Vegas: zakupy.

Live billboards.
Zywe billboardy.

Monte Carlo Hotel.
Hotel Monte Carlo.

Us on top of Vegas.
My na szczycie Vegas.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?