Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 105 / Dzien 105.

Yes and Chris took us to one of their favorite spots: Black's Beach, which is popular with surfers and nudists. We sat on the beach and watched surfers and dolphins alike enjoying bigger than usually waves. Once again the world proved to be a small place: Lee ran into a guy he used to work with.
Later we walked around farmers market in Ocean Beach and sampled different foods and then went out for a few beers. We were good tonight though. Had a movie night and retired to bed early.

Yes i Chris zabrali nas do jednego i ich ulubionych miejsc: Black's Beach, ktore jest popularne wsrod surferow i nudystow. Siedzielismy na plazy i obserwowalismy jak surferzy i delfiny razem smigaja na wiekszych niz zwykle falach. Po raz kolejny swiat okazal sie maly: Lee spotkal kogos z kim kiedys pracowal.
Pozniej chodzilismy po targu w Ocean Beach i kosztowalismy roznosci, a wieczorem poszlismy na piwo. Ale bylismy dzisiaj grzeczni. Obejrzelismy w domu film i poszlismy wczesnie spac.

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Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?