Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 101 / Dzien 101.

Jeremy and Mavi took us to a marina. We walked around and admired the boats. And then it was time to get back on the road. Thanks for having us!

Some things are better in memories and that's where they should be left. Lee's sentimental visit to the In-N-Out Burger turned sour.

Jeremy i Mavi zabrali nas do portu. Spacerowalismy podziwiajac jachty. A potem nadszedl czas znowu ruszyc w droge.

Niektore rzeczy sa lepsze we wspomnieniach i tam powinny pozostac. Sentymentalna wizyta Lee w In-N-Out Burger (siec fast foodow na zachodnim wybrzezu) skonczyla sie kwasna mina.

Jeremy, Mavi, Lee.


  1. Oh, with the In-N-Out Burger? It just wasn't as good as Lee remembered. It also might be that he's too spoiled now ;-)

  2. At first I was stoked to be living so close to an In-N-Out. I insisted on eating there three times before admitting it was a terrible meal. I have no idea why it's always crowded there...

    BTW, It was great having you guys visit!


Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?