Sunday, August 23, 2009

Not ready yet but getting there...

It took us forever to prepare for this trip. The biggest task was to find the right vehicle. And we did, all the way in Minnesota! Its outside is not pretty, in fact it looks like a kidnapper's van and has its share of rust. It also burns like a small tank. BUT we love it. It's so cozy inside and we like that it has history - it used to be non-emergency ambulance. We spent last several weeks making it our own. Here are some pictures of Lee working on his big project - cabinets.

Strasznie dlugo nam zajely nam przygotowania do tej podrozy. Najwiekszym wyzwaniem bylo znalezienie odpowiedniego pojazdu. I znalezlismy, az w Minnesocie! Na zewnatrz nie jest piekny, co wiecej wyglada jak van porywacza dzieci i ma sporo rdzy. Poza tym pali jak maly czolg. Ale nam sie podoba. Ma przytulne wnetrze i swoja historie - byl kiedys karetka do nie-pilnych przypadkow. Ostatnie kilka tygodni spedzilismy na przerobkach i dorobkach. Kilka zdjec Lee pracujacego nad wielkim projektem - szafkami na ciuchy.

Postraszyly nas przewodniki, ze na Alasce wszystko jest bardzo drogie, wiec postanowilismy wziac ze soba troche suchego prowiantu. Taki byl plan a skonczylo sie na zapasach na 60 dni. Przynajmniej nie bedziemy musieli tracic czasu na zakupy...

Guide books threatened us that in Alaska everything is very, very pricey, so we decided to bring a little food with us. That was the plan. But we ended up with supplies for 60 days. At least we won't have to waste our time shopping...


  1. I love it! What's the first stop?

  2. "BON VOYAGE" you 2...looking forward to reading all about your experiences!!

    Much love, Charlie and Carol


Tyler: Can I ask your name?
Ally: Anonymous.
Tyler: Anonymous? Is that Greek?